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How to choose the harmonic reducer correctly


Selecting the right harmonic drive, or harmonic reducer, is crucial for ensuring the performance and reliability of mechanical systems. Harmonic drives are precision transmission devices that are widely used in industrial robots, CNC machines, aerospace, and other areas. The selection process requires a comprehensive consideration of several factors.

Firstly, it's essential to clarify the load characteristics, including the load weight, inertia, motion cycle, and range of motion. These parameters are critical for calculating the required output speed and torque.

Next, calculate the gear ratio, which is the ratio of the output shaft speed to the input shaft speed of the reducer. The choice of gear ratio should be as close to the ideal value as possible to improve transmission efficiency and reduce energy loss.

Then, perform the torque calculation. In the selection process, it is important to consider not only the static torque of the load but also the dynamic torque that occurs during acceleration and deceleration. Additionally, the maximum torque value should be considered to prevent damage to the reducer under high loads.

When selecting a harmonic drive, the rigidity and strength must also be considered to ensure that the chosen drive can withstand the maximum load that may occur during operation. Moreover, life expectancy calculation is an important factor, which requires estimating the service life based on the reducer's rated torque, working torque, and speed.

After determining the above parameters, a preliminary selection can be made according to the selection formulas provided in the reducer catalogues or by the manufacturer. Following the preliminary selection, a series of checks should be conducted, including speed verification, torque verification, and strength verification, to ensure that the chosen reducer meets the system requirements.

Finally, consider the convenience of installation and maintenance. Choosing a reducer that is easy to install and maintain can reduce downtime and improve the overall efficiency of the system.

In summary, selecting a harmonic drive is a complex process that involves multiple considerations. Design engineers must fully understand the system requirements, accurately calculate the necessary parameters, and carefully compare them with the technical specifications provided by manufacturers to ensure the most suitable reducer model is chosen. Through this process, the performance of the mechanical system can be maximized, th

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